An enlightening experience for the Call To Love Alumni (social development)

Breakfast Forum with Low Cost School Owners, LSTEF, First Bank and ED Fin Microfinance Bank

An enlightening experience for the Call To Love Alumni (social development)
Bringing out true colours!

Call to Love Initiative, a not-for-profit organisation targeted at supporting disadvantaged children in the society

About Us

Since 2010
Since 2010, our primary focus is to positively impact on the quality of life of less privileged children to meet their needs in the basic areas of accommodation, healthcare, education, shelter, food, and clothing while also recognizing the need to help the children achieve a sense of belonging that will ensure a more wholesome childhood.
Our Mission
To enrich lives through social development.

Helping each child find and follow their best learning path.

Summer Camp
Our Annual Skills Summer Camp is an educational platform where we facilitate trainings in information technology, entrepreneurship, music, etiquette, public speaking, team orientation, vocations like painting, sewing, tie and dye etc.

Low Cost Private Schools Forum
The Breakfast Forum with Low Cost Private Schools is a platform to appreciate school owners and teachers and also sensitize them on strategies and skills they can adopt to improve the quality of education given to their pupilss as well as our beneficiaries

We pair our Beneficiaries up with professionals in various fields as a Mentor and Accountability partner. For a specified period of time, the mentors will share relevant experience and guide the mentees on achieving their set goals.